Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy is governed by current legislation in Spain, in particular
by the Organic Law on Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Rights
Digital (LOPDGDD) and the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).

1- Who we are

Ponemos en su conocimiento que la página con dirección URL así como (en adelante, el “Sitio Web” o el “Portal”) es operada por Premium Investments Global S.L. (en adelante, la “Sociedad”), con C.I.F. B04942512, inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de MADRID, cuyo domicilio se encuentra en la Calle Valle de Pinares Llanos, 34 – PTA G, PLT 2, Madrid, 28035.

2- Content of the Privacy Policy

2.1 Acceptance of the Privacy Policy: These are essential cookies for to perform basic functions. They include what is necessary to allow registered users to identify themselves and perform functions related to the account.

2.2 Description of the data processing carried out through the Portal:

In compliance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter, "LOPD") and its development regulations, we inform the User that the data collected through of any data collection forms on the Website will be incorporated into an automated personal data file for which the Company is responsible.

The Company will use your personal data in accordance with the purposes that are included in the corresponding legends and/or particular conditions to attend to the different types of relationships that may arise with the Company as a result of requests for services, procedures or procedures to referring to the corresponding form that is completed and accepted by the User.

In general, the User's personal data may be used by the Company for (i) the fulfillment, maintenance, development and control of the contractual relationship established between the two, (ii) the management of the queries made by the User through of the Portal; (iii) the quantitative and qualitative study of the visits; and (v) the design of new services related to the Company's own services and their updates.

All the fields that are marked with an asterisk (*) in these forms will be mandatory, in such a way that the omission of any of them may make it impossible for us to attend to your request.

Likewise, by clicking on the "Send" button incorporated in the aforementioned forms, you declare that the information and data that you have provided us with in them are accurate and truthful.

2.3 Commercial communications:

We inform you that, on occasions, through the different data collection forms included on the Website, the Company will obtain your consent for the processing of your data in order to send you through any means, including electronic (SMS, email, etc.) technical, operational, commercial and advertising information related to the Company.

In this sense, the User may object in any case to their data being processed for this purpose, both at the time of data collection by marking the box that is included for this purpose in the corresponding data collection forms. data as at any other time, by sending an email to the following address (*) or using the specific means recognized in the commercial communications themselves.

2.4 Assignment:

The Company will not transfer the personal data of the Users that are collected through the Portal to third parties without the express consent of the User. To this end, the Company will previously offer the User the possibility of accepting or not accepting this transfer.

The Company will expressly inform the User about the transfer of their personal data to third parties, indicating the identity of the transferees and the purpose of the transfer of the personal data.

For any questions in this regard, the User may contact the Company by communication to the email address, or by post to the address indicated above.

The User agrees that the information of their personal data will be used when required by the competent administrative authorities or by court order.

2.5 Cookies:

We inform you that the Portal may use cookies during the provision of its service in order to facilitate your navigation, preload your preferences and thus be able to provide you with a personalized experience on the network of the Company's sites.

Cookies are automatic procedures for collecting information regarding the preferences determined by a User during his visit to a certain web page in order to recognize him as a recurring user and personalize his experience and his use of our Portal. Cookies will be stored on your computer's hard drive until you delete it. We may also use temporary or "session" cookies to help you navigate. These cookies will expire when you make a request to do so, or otherwise, in a maximum period of 60 days.

In any case, we inform you that, since cookies are not necessary to use the Portal, you can easily reject and delete the cookies installed on your computer. The procedures for blocking and deleting cookies may differ from one Internet browser to another and, consequently, we ask you to refer to the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your Internet browser. Most browsers warn of the presence of cookies to automatically reject them. If you reject them, you can continue using our Portal, although you may have limited use of some of the features.

The domain name of the server that transmits and activates the automatic collection procedures is Arsys and its validity period is 2 months, after which the cookie files are automatically deleted.

2.6 Security:

The Company has implemented the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the security of your data and to prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized treatment or access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, all in compliance with the provisions of Title VIII of Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, which approves the Development Regulation of the LOPD.

2.7 Links:

This Portal may contain links to other web pages. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy and data processing of other websites. This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the information we collect on this Portal. We recommend that you read the privacy and data processing policies of other web pages that you link to from our Portal or that you visit in any other way.

2.8 Exercise of rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition:

We inform the User that they may exercise, at any time, their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition to the processing of their data by sending a written communication, including a copy of their National Identity Document, to the address that is indicated in the first section of this Privacy Policy. Said communication must be addressed to the attention of the Company's Administration Department.

Likewise, we inform the User that they can revoke the consent given for the processing of their data, whenever legally appropriate, by sending a communication to the Company in the terms indicated above.

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